Giving chance and a new story to wood pieces that are either salvaged or reclaimed
I use pre-loved pieces of wood that used to be building components of a house, a vintage piece of furniture, and parts that were deemed unsuitable for wood processing. Some were abandoned to insects or fungus infestation or trees dead of old age. They come from various sources, such as provincial houses and furniture abandoned by owners relocating to city condos, weathered rice barns, or collapsed wood bridges. Occasionally, I will also work on wood pieces offered to me, or unwanted woods I fell in love with during my journeys.
Reclaimed and salvaged woods raise the bar on authenticity and preserve a bit of history, with beauty and character showing through every split, nail hole, beet gallery, and smoothed-over repair. Each of my creations is made using state-of-the-art, traditional artisanal techniques. My woods are always sourced for their character, beauty, strength, and adequacy for their new use.
I routinely use the following Thai reclaimed woods for creating bespoke pieces:

Teak / ไม้สัก
(Tectona Grandis Linn)

Afzelia (Makha Mong) / ไม้มะค่าโมง
(Afzelia Xylocarpa)

Afzelia (Makha) / ไม้มะค่า
(Afzelia Xylocarpa)

Pyinkado / ไม้แดง
(Xylia Xylocarpa)

Two-tone Padauk / ไม้ประดู่
(Pterocarpus Indicus)

Padauk / ไม้ประดู่
(Pterocarpus Indicus)

Takian / ไม้ตะเคียนทอง
(Hopea Odorata Roxb.)

Tabak / ไม้ตะแบก
(Lagerstroemia Floribunda Jack)
Imported Woods – From sustainable sources

Hard Maple / ไม้เมเปิ้ล
(Acer saccharum)

White Ash / ไม้ไวท์แอช
(Fraxinus Americana)

European Beech / ไม้บีช
(Fagus Sylvatica)

Black Walnut / ไม้วอลนัท
(Juglans Nigra)